No contact allowed.
No Blocking
A coin toss determines first possession.
Ball must be snapped between the legs to start play.
The offensive team takes possession of the ball at their 5-yard line and has three (3) plays to cross mid-field. Once a team crosses mid-field, they will have three (3) plays to score a touchdown.
If the offensive team fails to cross mid-field or score, possession of the ball changes and the opposite team starts their drive from their 5-yard line.
All possession changes except interceptions start on the offenses 5-yard line.
Teams change sides after the first 15 minutes, possession does not change and the clock does not stop (no quick snaps).
Each time the ball is spotted a team has :30 seconds to snap the ball. Teams will receive one warning before a Delay of Game penalty is enforced.
Rushing the QB
All players that rush the passer must be a minimum of 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. Any number of players can rush the QB. The rusher does not have to line up with a clear path to the quarterback; but, if he/she does not, then the offensive player is not required to move out of the rusher's lane to the QB.
Players not rushing the QB may defend on the line of scrimmage.
Once the ball has been handed off the 7 yard rule is no longer in effect and all defenders are eligible to rush.
A special marker, or the referee, will designate 7 yards from the line of scrimmage.
The Quarterback CANNOT run the ball.
Only direct hand-offs behind the line of scrimmage are legal. NO laterals or pitches of any kind. Offense may use multiple hand-offs.
The player who takes the hand-off can throw the ball as long as he does not pass the line of scrimmage.
"No Running Zones" are located 5 yards before midfield and 5 yards before the end zone in each offensive direction.
"No Running Zones" are designed to avoid short yardage power running situations.
Spinning is allowed but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player.
The ball is spotted where the ball carriers belt is when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is. Ball & flags must break the plane for a 1st down and touchdown.
All passes must be forward and received beyond the line of scrimmage.
Shovel passes are allowed but must be received beyond the line of scrimmage.
QB has a 7 second "pass clock". If a pass is not thrown within the 7 seconds, play is dead, loss of down, ball returns to line of scrimmage. Once the ball is handed off the 7 second rule is no longer in effect.
Interceptions change the possession of the ball at the point of interception. The ball comes out to the 5-yard line if the interception occurs in the end-zone.
All players are eligible to receive passes (including the QB if the ball has been handed off behind the line of scrimmage).
Only one player is allowed in motion at a time.
Player must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch.
Pass may not be intentionally tipped in any direction to another teammate.
Dead Ball
Play is ruled "DEAD" when: – Offensive player’s flag is pulled. – Ball carrier steps out of bounds. – Touchdown is scored. – At the point of an interception (interception returns are not allowed). – Ball carrier’s knee, hand or the ball hits the ground. – Ball carrier’s flag falls out. – Receivers flag falls out. (play is dead at point of reception.) – If the quarterback takes a snap without both flags, the ball is dead where he or she receives the snap.
Clarification: If a receiver loses a flag during a play he/she is still eligible. As soon as they touch the ball, play is dead at that spot and the ball cannot be advanced. If ball is caught in the endzone the play results in a touchdown.
There are no fumbles. Ball is spotted where it hits the ground. Anytime the ball touches the ground it is dead.
Cleats are allowed, except for metal spikes. Inspections can and will be made.
Shirts must be tucked in shorts, pants, etc.
All players must wear a protective mouthpiece. If you do not have a mouthpiece, there will be one available on-site for a fee.
All player changes must be made prior to your first scheduled game and must be approved by LET-IT-FLY personnel.
No player changes will be accepted after your first scheduled game and player changes will not be accepted due to injury.
Player changes may be made at the Master Scoreboard.
Teams must field a minimum of three (3) players at all times.
Teams consist of 6 players (4 on the field with 2 substitutes). ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST COME ON A DEAD-BALL AND MUST OCCUR ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE FIELD.
Coed teams must field two (2) female players at all times.
All forfeits are scored 14-0.
We reserve the right to reduce, shorten, or reschedule games due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.
All players must carry I.D. or proof of age.
Games are played to 28 points or 30 minutes, whichever comes first.
TD=6 points, Extra Point=1 (5 yards out); 2 (12 yards out), Safety=2 points
Each team has one :60 second time out per game, in which the clock stops.
Officials can stop the clock at their own discretion.
If the field monitor or referee witnesses any acts of tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, blocking, or any unsportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped and the player can be ejected from the game. Tournament director may decide to eject players from the tournament. FOUL PLAY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
Trash talking is illegal. Official has the right to determine language which is offensive. (Trash talk is that which may be offensive to official, opposing team, or spectators). Referee or tournament official can eject players from the game for trash talking.
If the score is tied at the end of 30 minutes, teams move directly into overtime.
Coin toss determines possession.
Each team receives one (1) play from their own 5 yard line.
Negative yardage on a play is better than an interception, but not an incomplete pass.
Defensive penalties may be accepted resulting in 10 yards and the option to run an additional play if necessary. Result of following play and the 10 yards from the penalty count towards the overall possession’s yardage. A penalty on the offense is deemed as negative 10 yards and loss of down.
The team gaining the most yardage on the one play is declared the winner and awarded one (1) additional point even if the result of the play is a touchdown.
All penalties will be called by the Referee and may be declined.
All penalties are assessed from the original line of scrimmage except for fouls against the ball carrier or receiver.
All defensive penalties are 10 yards (from line of scrimmage) and automatic 1st down EXCEPT holding which is assessed as 10 yards from the end of the play.
All offensive penalties are 10 yards (from line of scrimmage) and loss of down EXCEPT flag guarding which is assessed 10 yards from the spot of the foul.
Illegal Contact (holding, bump and run, blocking, etc.)
Illegal Flag Pull (before receiver has ball)
Illegal Rushing (start rush from inside 7 yard marker)
Illegal Motion (more than 1 person moving, false start, motion, etc.)
Illegal Forward Pass (pass received behind line of scrimmage)
Offensive Pass Interference (illegal pick play, pushing off/away defender)
Flag Guarding
Delay of Game - Clock will stop/10 yards and loss of down
Within 10 yards of goal, ball is placed 1/2 distance to the goal.
Referees determine incidental contact which may result from normal run of play!
Only the team captain may ask the referee questions about rule clarification and interpretations.
Players cannot question judgment calls.
Games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it.
2 teams tied for one place – whoever won in head to head competition.
3 teams tied for two places – point differential in head to head games - forfeits are worth 14 points.
If a team forfeits a game and they are in a two or three way tie, they are automatically the lowest seed possible within the tied teams.
The clock stops on touchdowns only within the last minute of the game. One and two-point conversions do NOT count as timed plays within the last minute of the game. The clock will start again on the referee's whistle.
If flag is pulled before football leaves the QB's hand, QB is down.