September 26, 2020
Hyvee Arena
Kansas City, MO
Each team will play three games followed by a single-elimination tournament. All teams are guaranteed at least four (4) scheduled games. Each team is allowed up to
five (5) players. With your registration, you'll receive a Custom KC Hoop It Up T-shirt, and a sling bag filled with coupons and other cool deals.
All games will be played indoors at the Hyvee Arena, 1800
Genessee St, Kansas City, KS 640102
Raffle Prizes for spectators: cash, car, sports tickets &
memorabilia. Awards for 1st & 2nd place teams plus a custom 2020 KC Hoop It Up Championship T-shirts for each team member.
$2,500 Cash Prize for the City of Ballers Elite Division
Champions (18 & Over)
All 10U - 14U champions will receive a custom You Hoop
Custom Composite Leather basketball.